Collagen Wrinkle Filler
Wrinkle Collagen Filler Wrinkle Collagen Filler is designed to smooth out facial lines on the surface of the face and help restore the support structure of the face. This will result in enhancing the contours of the upper layer of skin. It can be used to enhance the shape of the lips, reduce the appearance of the scars, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Alternatives to Wrinkle Collagen Filler Injections would be Radiesse, Restylane and Juvéderm.
Many patients find that the benefit of Collagen Filler is positive. The Collagen fills in lines and creases, as well as plumps up sunken areas of the face. Many patients have used it to add fullness to the cheeks. Another great use is for filling out deep furrows.
Typically the physician injects wrinkle collagen filler into the wrinkle or area that is desired to plump up. This results in a smoother and younger appearance. One of the drawbacks is that this is a temporary option for treatment, lasting usually between 2 to 6 months.
Wrinkle Collagen Filler is a one of the safest injectable fillers available. Even though this is one of the safest available there can be possible side effects. Patients might experience temporary stinging, throbbing, or burning sensation to the treated areas. There can be the possibility of faint redness, swelling, or even excess fullness. Due to the risks associated with an injection possibly triggering of connective tissue or autoimmune diseases, a skin test is required prior to treatment. The test is merely a small amount of Collagen being injected into the arm. It is recommended that the patient then wait at least three weeks before having the full injection to make sure that no allergic reactions are developed. Zyderm and Zyplast Collagens are derived from purified bovine (cow) collagen which can pose problems for those people who are sensitive to the substance.
Usually, most patients can resume their normal activities right after the Wrinkle Collagen Filler treatment. After being injected, keep an icepack on the area for 15 minutes to reduce possible swelling. You may take Arnica (under the tongue) every two hours for the first day or two if any bruising occurs. During the treatment a topical numbing cream may be used to reduce any discomfort.