Chemical Peel
A Professional Chemical Skin Peel can bring about a significant improvement in skin rejuvenation. In this procedure a low concentration of the peeling agent TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid) is mixed with a special base prior to its application. The application of the peeling solution on the skin initiates the peeling process, causing the topmost (dead layer of the skin) to slowly peel off. In a few weeks healthier skin replaces the old skin. BeautySculptSpa offers professional Chemical Skin Peel treatments in McAllen, as well as the surrounding area.
Alternatives to a Chemical Skin Peel treatment would be Laser Skin Resurfacing, Microdermabrasion, or Coolaser ™ technique.
The professional Chemical Peel is the treatment of choice for many patients. The best candidates for professional Skin Peel treatments are men and women who are physically healthy, psychologically stable, and realistic in their expectations. Most are 18 or older, but if discolorations and acne scars are a problem, you may decide to have this procedure at a younger age.
If you are searching for professional Chemical Skin Peel treatments in the McAllen area, please contact our office for more information. BeautySculptSpa strives to offer the most cutting edge treatment options and quality medical care. Patients may experience dramatic results from professional Skin Peel procedures in as few as one or two treatments. However, additional treatments may be sometimes necessary to achieve desired results. At the private consultation visit, an individualized treatment plan will be selected to ensure optimal results.
Chemical Skin Peel treatments are one of the safest procedures available for skin rejuvenation. However, medical treatment is not an exact science and the degree of the improvement is variable. Occasionally there is little or no improvement and another form of treatment may be required. Long-term complications resulting from professional Skin Peel treatments are rare. Infections due to bacterial contamination may occur if post-peel instructions are not followed. Temporary, mild pigmentation problems may occur.
After a Chemical Skin Peel treatment, some patients return to work the same day. During the Chemical Skin Peel procedure you may experience some discomfort, similar to a transient stinging sensation. A numbing cream and application of local anesthetics may be advised by your physician to reduce any discomfort. It is important to avoid direct exposure to sunlight for 4 weeks prior to the Chemical Skin Peel treatment. We advise that patients use a SPF 30 or greater sunscreen to prepare for treatment. Sometimes the physician may instruct the patient to use a topical cream 4–6 weeks prior to each treatment, as well as oral antibiotics and antiviral medications. In order to ensure the least amount of side effects and risks, it is important for patients to follow the instructions of the physician at all times.
After a professional Skin Peel treatment the patient must avoid direct exposure to sunlight during the first 6 weeks following your Chemical Skin Peel procedure. An SPF 30 or greater sunscreen should be used once your skin has healed. If you feel that a professional Skin Peel treatment might be a viable option, please contact us for more information.