Anti-Wrinkle Juvéderm
Juvéderm: Hyaluronic Acid Skin Injection Juvéderm is the only HA filller with FDA approval to last up to one year. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance in the skin. As the skin ages, less hyaluronic acid is produced. Juvéderm is a cross-linked form of hyaluronic acid that works to add moisture back into the skin.
In the skin, hyaluronic acid adds moisture and volume. This sugar complex is a major component of the connective tissue located in the dermis. The dermis is a dense, deep layer of skin that is located under the epidermis layer. The other connective fibers found in this layer are Collagen and Elastin. With the ability to hold moisture, hyaluronic acid works with the Collagen and Elastin to plump the skin and offer a smooth texture. Where there is less hyaluronic acid present in the skin then the development of wrinkles become noticeable. Juvéderm is a hyaluronic acid skin injection that helps to replace the moisture back into the skin. The result is that the skin has a smoother and youthful appearance.
Juvéderm is a dermal injectable filler that is in gel form. The hyaluronic acid in Juvéderm mirrors the natural hyaluronic acid found in the skin. The result is that moisture is replaced into the skin, adding volume that had been diminished. This creates a smoother and more youthful appearance. Typically Juvéderm is injected into the mid to deep dermis layer. This is for a focus on correcting moderate to severe wrinkles.
BeautySculptSpa of McAllen offers various forms of hylauronic acid injections. If you would like to learn more, please contact our office for a private consultation appointment. At this appointment the physician will discuss with you whether Juvéderm is the best form of hyaluronic acid skin injection for you.
Alternatives to Juvéderm would be Collagen, Cosmoplast, Cosmoderm, Perlane, Radiesse and Fat Transfer.
There is no need for allergy testing. Typically side effects are short lasting (7 days or less). They tend to be mild to moderate in nature. Most common side effects include temporary redness, pain/tenderness, firmness, swelling, lumps/bumps, bruising, itching, and discoloration to the injection site.
Pain during a hyaluronic acid skin injection can vary for each patient. Each individual has different sensitivity levels for pain. Although there can be a “pricking” sensation, normally no anesthesia is needed. Your physician may choose to numb the treatment area to further minimize discomfort.
We recommend an icepack be applied to the treated area for 15 minutes to reduce possible swelling. You may take Arnica (under the tongue) every two hours for the first day or two if any bruising occurs.
If you are in the McAllen area and would like to speak with one of our physicians regarding hyaluronic acid treatment options, please call to arrange a private consultation appointment.