Laser Hair Removal
Laser Facial Hair Removal Why Come to BeautySculptSpa for Laser Hair Removal in McAllen? The staff at BeautySculptSpa have years of experience with laser hair removal. BeautySculptSpa staff has successfully performed thousands of laser hair removal procedures. At BeautySculptSpa all treatments are performed by licensed medical doctors and registered nurses. This is to insure patient safety at all times. BeautySculptSpa offers the latest cutting edge techniques and lasers. This is so that each procedure can be tailored for each individual’s specific skin and hair type. All the lasers used at BeautySculptSpa are the latest FDA approved lasers with patented technology. If you are considering this form of treatment, please call BeautySculptSpa for your laser hair removal needs in McAllen and surrounding areas. There is no one laser that works for everyone. During your consultation we will plan the most appropriate therapy for you.
About Laser Facial Hair Removal
Laser Facial Hair Removal removes any unwanted facial hair using a laser beam of light. This procedure is well suited for the face. Temporary alternatives to laser facial hair removal are shaving, waxing, depilatory creams, tweezing. The only permanent alternative is Electrolysis. BeautySculptSpa offers very affordable laser hair removal treatments. Most patients find that treatments are safe, gentle, and fast. The benefit of laser facial hair removal is that you may never need to use a razor, tweezers, or wax again!
During the laser hair removal procedure a focused beam of light emitted by the laser is absorbed only into the pigment located in the hair follicle. The light is pulsed for only a fraction of a second. The duration of each pulse is just long enough to disable the follicle, but not so long that excess heat is transferred to the skin surrounding the hair. When the hair follicle absorbs the light, it is destroyed.
Laser facial hair removal is an appropriate procedure for women and men who have unwanted hair on the facial area. This procedure may also be used on other body parts. Women with hormonal imbalances can experience excessive body or facial hair. There are also occasions where women or men have had excessive hair growth due to medications. Some patients are simply tired of shaving their legs and underarms every day. Most individuals find that their skin becomes irritated from shaving, which results in rashes and bumps. Unfortunately, laser hair removal does not work well on white, gray, blonde or red hair.
Laser hair removal is also a treatment for men. Most common areas for men are the back and shoulders, behind the neck, beard area, neck, and ears. Improvement after removing unwanted hair with laser is often excellent, but may not be perfect or permanent with the first couple of treatments. Dark hair is typically easier to treat than light hair. With each treatment you should see significant reduction in the quantity and the thickness of the hair follicles in the treated area.
Lasers have been used for many years for a variety of medical procedures. They have an extraordinary track record for safety and accuracy. Immediately after the treatment the areas may appear red. Pain is generally mild and transient. Side effects are uncommon and generally temporary.
In majority of cases there is no recovery time after laser hair removal. However, if there are any skin reactions it should be transient. Intervals between visits should be at least 4–12 weeks apart. We work with you to develop the treatment program that best fulfills your hair removal needs.
The degree of discomfort during laser hair removal procedure varies with each person depending on one’s pain threshold. Topical anesthesia may also be requested based on individual preferences or tolerances. Be sure to discuss this with your physician prior to the laser treatment.
At the consultation appointment the physician will determine if you are an appropriate candidate for Laser Facial Hair Removal Treatment. Once this is determined, there may be a test spot performed or an actual treatment. Photographs are usually taken before hair removal procedure. Please do not wax, pluck or have electrolysis done for at least 4 weeks before your consultation/treatment appointment. You may clip or shave your hair up to three days prior to your treatment. If you are having a treatment on the upper lip area and have a history of cold sores or fever blisters it is important to let the physician know prior to the treatment. We recommend that all sun exposure, tanning, or tanning creams be avoided for at least one month before treatment.
A topical anesthetic may be applied to the treated area few minutes prior to the treatment. Everyone in the room will use eye protection. Treatment consists of placing a small hand-piece near the skin and administering laser pulses over the area to be treated. The procedure can take as little as 10 minutes or up to an hour (or more), depending on the area treated.
The lasers work by disabling hairs that are in their active growth cycle at the time of treatment. Since other hairs will enter their growth cycle at different times, additional treatments may be necessary to disable all of the follicles in a given area. Light skin is easier to treat than dark or tanned skin. Dark hair is usually easier to treat than light hair.
One should expect a minimum of 3–5 visits per area to achieve desirable results.
Sun protection of treated areas is always advisable after treatment. We recommend that it is best if you minimize sun exposure to the treated area for four weeks after the procedure.
If you believe that this is a viable option for you, please contact our office for more information.