Acne Treatment
Most people have acne outbreaks during adolescence when hormonal changes affect metabolism, but these eruptions can occur anytime with varying degrees of severity. Acne treatment involves taking a proactive approach to prevent outbreaks and getting sound medical advice from an experienced physician when pimples and blackheads become severe. Treatments can change over time because the skin disorder has multiple causes and various symptoms. Proactive measures that anyone can take include keeping skin clean, avoiding humidity and sun, eliminating comedogenic cosmetics and health products, eating a balanced diet and resisting the urge to pick pimples and skin blemishes.
Acne Causes
Blemishes occur when excess oil and bacteria in skin pores cause a plug to develop that traps bacteria and creates an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply uncontrolled. Acne causes such as environmental contaminants, health disorders, genetic makeup, certain health care products, excess production of the skin oil called sebum and excessive sweat can trigger these outbreaks, which take several different forms: Blackheads and Whiteheads – These pimples occur when bacteria is trapped on the surface of the skin to create blackheads or below the skin to create whiteheads. Papules – Small and pink, these blemishes are relatively mild. Nodules and Cysts – These inflammations are the most severe types of outbreaks that spread over large areas of the skin. Nodules are hard and deep and can actually cause pain. Cysts are squishy sacks of pus that spread over the skin and are soft.
Best Acne Treatment
The best acne treatment for your particular case depends on which kind of blemish you have, what the underlying triggers are, your medications and hormonal profile and what kind of exposure to skin toxins you experience in your home or work environment. Further complicating matters is the fact that you might need treatments to stop outbreaks and deal with scarring afterward. Most outbreaks disappear on their own but might leave unsightly scars. If you have severe or persistent acne, see your physician.
Possible treatments include: Laser therapy Steroid injections Medicated topical creams that kill bacteria Hormone therapy Chemical peels Microdermabrasion Injectable dermal fillers Blue light therapy Coolaser treatment Natural acne treatment Laser Acne Treatment
Lasers acne treatment often works when other therapies have failed, but your doctor may use lasers along with other treatments such as medication or dermal fillers. Doctors used pulsed dye, fractional, pulsed light, infrared, heat energy, and blue light lasers to disrupt production of the sebum that nourishes bacteria or kill the Propionibacterium acnes, the bacterium strain that causes pimples. Cool lasers deliver energy to the deeper layers of skin and shrink oil glands while improving skin texture, stimulating collagen production and reducing scarring.
Homemade Acne Treatment
A homemade acne treatment may prove effective in controlling minor outbreaks and preventing them from recurring in the future. Eating a balanced diet, keeping skin clean and free from sweat, buying noncomedogenic cosmetics and treating skin with tea tree oil are common proactive measures that will help to control outbreaks.
Other home acne treatment remedies that work include: Alpha Hydroxy Acids – Natural acids found in citrus fruits help to remove oil and dead skin and unclog pores when used topically. These acids can cause a mild stinging sensation and redness but can minimize the scarring that outbreaks cause. Zinc Supplements – Zinc helps to heal the skin and reduces inflamed and infected blemishes. Some topical lotions and creams contain zinc, but taking oral supplements can cause nausea and leave a bad aftertaste. Over-the-counter creams – Many commercial preparations work well for treating and minimizing your blemishes. Makeup Management – Avoiding makeup could help to control outbreaks, but if you do wear it, be sure to wash it off thoroughly each night and use noncomedogenic cosmetics. Brewers Yeast – The CBS 5926 strain of brewers yeast is another home acne treatment that has shown promise in decreasing the number of outbreaks and their intensity by providing an antimicrobial effect, but this home remedy can cause migraine headaches. Baking Soda to Exfoliate – Exfoliating once a week with baking soda can help to open clogged pores, but the high alkalinity can damage skin if used excessively. Keeping Bed-clothes Clean – Keeping your sheets, pillowcases and bed-clothes clean can reduce your exposure to the triggers that cause skin blemishes such as germs, oil and sweat.
Acne Medication
Medicines for treating pimples, blemishes and outbreaks include over-the-counter preparations, prescription medicines and strong antibiotics for severe cases. Combinations of medicines and treatment therapies are often used by physicians to control outbreaks. Choices for over-the-counter treatments include creams with benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, alpha hydroxy acids and sulfur. Prescription medicines include topical antibiotics such as erythromycin, clindamycin and sodium sulfacetamide. Topical retinoids are derived from vitamin A and include adapalene, tazarotene and tretinoin. Oral antibiotics include isotretinoin and erythromycin. Hormone medications that restore a natural balance include androgen blockers like spironolactone and low-dose birth control pills with estrogen.
Acne medicines work in several ways to control acne that include: Killing the bacteria that cause clogged pores and pimples Reducing oil production in the skin Countering the effects of hormones Acne Treatment Reviews
Most acne outbreaks respond well to over-the-counter preparations, careful hygiene and proactive steps to remove acne triggers, but many people develop severe acne and scarring that are disheartening. Check online and website acne treatment reviews of procedures, recovery times and physicians before committing to any solution, and remember that cosmetic treatments aren’t easily reversed. Discuss your cosmetic goals with your doctor and read testimonials and procedural reviews to understand what to expect from any treatment. Modern technology has created new treatments that produce dramatic results, but each case is different.
Check before-and after photos and understand the costs and treatment options before deciding on a treatment regimen with your doctor. Many patients with severe blemishes have gotten good results from using multiple treatment options such as combining medicines with cosmetic procedures, injectable fillers with therapies, natural acne treatment, and home remedies with cosmetic treatments. Determine the best strategy by consulting an experienced skin professional who offers many options for treatment to ensure that you get the most aesthetically pleasing result.
Acne Treatment
Treatments for acne outbreaks are not one-size-fits-all because the skin condition has many triggers and takes many forms. Consulting an experienced professional is your best bet for controlling outbreaks, preventing recurrences and minimizing scars.