Rejuvenation Of The Hands
Are you Interested in rejuvenating your hands in order to make them look much younger? Many of us see the aging process as an unfortunate aspect of reality that we would just as soon never experience for ourselves. As a result of this emotional response we become afraid of all of the visible signs that demonstrate aging in both ourselves and to those around us. And, apart from the face, the hands are the part of your body that people see most often, and the part of your body that begins to show the signs of aging before anywhere else. For this reason the goal of reducing the visible appearances of aging on the hands is fast becoming one of the most popular areas of cosmetic procedures, and as demand for hand rejuvenation has grown so have the way in which it is achieved. Modern techniques utilize everything from laser technology to microdermabrasion and chemical peels to injectable fillers.
Are you interested in these different procedures and how they are performed? Chemical peels are employed to removed the outer layer of skin where you see wrinkles and age spots most strongly. The process results in an over all smoother and clearer appearing skin, though the process can sometimes be harsh. Microdermabrasion is similar technique that removes the outer layer of skin through a process that is actually similar to sandblasting on a very small scale. These tiny crystals smooth and remove the outer skin again resulting in younger more refreshed appearing skin. Laser techniques are also being employed more and more frequently as the technology continues to develop as laser technology actually allows the physician to stimulate new growth in the tissue of the hand, causing the hand to regain a more youthful appearance on its own over a longer period of time than you could expect with a chemical peel or microdermabrasion. Finally there are also a range of injectable fillers that have demonstrated to be effective ways of rejuvenating the appearance of you hands. Injectable fillers are either artificial substances that work primarily by giving the skin more material to stretch over, or they may be naturally occurring substances like collagen or hyaluronic acid that, along with filling out the hand, can actually prompt natural moisture and nutrient flow protecting the condition of the skin.
So what parts of the body can be treated by means of these methods? Actually many parts of the body can be treated with these same four tools, the hands of course, as we have been discussing, but also the face, neck, and even the arms in cases have been effectively treated using one or more of these techniques.
How long will each of these procedures last? The durability of your hand rejuvenation will depend on which treatment you elect to undergo, but several options have long lasting effects. Hyaluronic acid injections usually provide the desired results for up to 6 months, though this will vary from patient to patient.
What are the side effects I should expect from these treatments? As each of these treatments differ on their own to a substantial degree each of them come with a different set of expected risks, though some are considered higher risk than others. Microdermabrasion for example is not actually known to have any side effects, the injectable options have been known to sometimes cause soreness and laser treatments can occasionally result in swelling and infections particularly if you fail to adequately care for your hands after the treatment.
Would you like to know where you can find out more about hand rejuvenation treatments? There are a wide variety of online resources available for you to learn more about the various treatments available for hand rejuvenation, but the best source of information you can find will be a reputable and experienced physician. If you are interested in hand rejuvenation you should make an appointment with such a physician as quickly as possible.
Are you curious why hands show signs of aging before so may other parts of the body? The hands, along with the face, are usually the first areas of the body to show signs of aging largely because the receive so much exposure to the environment. The sun especially is hard on skin, and unlike the face, may people forget to apply sun block to their hands every day like they should. This exposure can result in darkened spots, potentially dangerous growths, and a general loss of fatty tissue that make your hands appear young and healthy.
So what sort of treatment should you be looking for to help rejuvenate your hands? That will depend on exactly what kind of condition your hands are in. If you simply have age spots you may find that a simple topical cream may be sufficient to cause those spots to fade and make the skin generally look younger. Laser treatment can also remove age spots in a more lasting way with a great rate of success.
On the other hand if you have unsightly veins that are causing you embarrassment you may prefer to use an injectable filler to plump up the skin masking the vein and giving the hand a more youthful appearance. Laser treatments can also be used to remove the vein entirely if it has died.
If you are like many people you will have a number of these different conditions and in that case your cosmetic surgeon make recommend a combination of procedures to achieve the optimal results.
Which treatment is best for me? The only way to know which treatment you should be seeking to pursue is to speak with a qualified experienced physician who will be able to work with you in setting realistic goals for your treatments, and who will be able to explain to you why certain treatments are likely to work better than others depending on the condition you have. During your discussion with your doctor, explain your goals and expectations of the treatment. Your doctor will assess the nature of your hands, your expectations and explain the probable outcome of your procedure. You may be shown several before and after treatment photographs of patients with similar hands, and your doctor will explain the procedure you can expect to receive and the results that you can anticipate
So what should you expect in these procedures? All of the procedures we have discussed are usually done on an outpatient basis and you can expect them to be performed with local anesthesia. This means you will be able to return home immediately following your procedure which usually takes between 15 and an hour though certain procedures take longer and others must be done over a series of visits. Again, your physician is your best source of information regarding what to expect.