Arm Lift Surgery
Arm lift surgery is done to remove fat and skin to reduce the loose appearance due to weight loss or aging. Alternative to arm lift could be weight loss, exercise, liposculpture.
Liposuction for Flabby Arms To perform arm lift operation the skin in the lower borders of the arm is removed along with some excess fat. Anesthesia is usually a very light general and the procedure takes about two hours. There may be no incisions if liposuction alone is all that is needed. Otherwise the incision may be completely concealed within the armpit, or down the inside of the arm in an inconspicuous location for a variable length depending on how much skin and where the excess is. Drains are used for two days. Dressings and a light compression garment is used for several days. This can be combined with other plastic surgical procedures.
The ideal candidates for arm lift surgery are adults who desire a more youthful and less flabby appearance, in the upper arm. Liposculpture, in many cases, (when excess fat and not excess skin is the problem) may be a more appropriate alternative.
Optimally results of arm lift procedure can be beautiful, balanced and proportioned contour of the arms. More confident and comfortable in clothing, especially sleeveless dresses. Natural and presentable appearance in the first week that just gets better over the next three to six months.
General risks of arm lift surgery include: Bruising and swelling lasting on average for two weeks but can continue for a month or more. Remember the human body is asymmetrical and even after surgery both sides of the body may look different. All surgery requires an incision and therefore will leave a scar. In most patients the scar heals well, but in a small number of people the scar remains thick and heavy. At the time of surgery the small nerves that supply feeling to the skin are damaged. This may cause changes in sensation including numbness. Although uncommon, bleeding and infection are risks and can be serious. You will have pain and discomfort after this surgery. The pain usually only lasts for a few days. One per cent of all operations lead to major complications. Weigh up the pros and cons; it is for you to decide. This is a surgical procedure and as such potentially serious complications such as a blood clot or embolus or an unexpected response to drugs or anesthetics can occur. Unique to this surgery: The scar may be long and may be slow to heal, it is not unusual to have scabbing along the scar for several weeks, and fluid (either blood or serum) can collect under the skin flap. Make certain you understand all consent forms.
You can go home in several hours after arm lift surgery or can stay overnight. You can shower on the third day after surgery. There is only minimal pain that is mostly gone by the second or third day and easily controlled by medications. Swelling is mild to moderate and peaks at two to three days, then disappears rapidly over the next three weeks. Minimal or no bruising is the usual. Some grogginess is present which persists for about a week. You can resume many activities within the first week, and most by at least three weeks. The stitches are removed at seven days. Expect to be off from work for only three to seven days.
Anesthesia is usually a very light general during the arm lift surgery. There is only minimal pain that is mostly gone by the second or third day and easily controlled by medications.
Your surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for arm lift surgery, including guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking, and taking or avoiding vitamins, iron tablets and certain medications. If you develop a cold or an infection of any kind, especially a skin infection, your surgery may have to be postponed. Though rare, your doctor may recommend that you have blood drawn ahead of time in case it is needed during surgery. Also, while you are making preparations, be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure and, if needed, to help you at home for a day or two. Special accommodations are available for patients who are coming from out of town.
After arm lift surgery, you will likely experience some fluid drainage from the incisions. Occasionally, a small drainage tube may be inserted beneath the skin for a couple of days to prevent fluid build-up. To control swelling and to help your skin better fit its new contours, you may be fitted with a snug elastic garment to wear over the treated area for a few weeks. Your doctor may also prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection. Don’t expect to look or feel great right after surgery. Even though the newer techniques are believed to reduce some post-operative discomforts, you may still experience some pain, burning, swelling, bleeding and temporary numbness. Pain can be controlled with medications prescribed by your surgeon, though you may still feel stiff and sore for a few days. It is normal to feel a bit anxious or depressed in the days or weeks following surgery. However, this feeling will subside as you begin to look and feel better.